zondag 8 november 2020

What a week!

Loads has happened! Not in the least, some new and very unexpected wildlife in our back yard in the form of 2 giant (I know, but I am only 1,68 and not that big) wild boars that not normally roam these woods. So besides wolf, lynx, wolverines and the usual deer we now also have boars in the Ensby forest. 

Anyway, didn´t think that was the highlight of my week. Still get glowy cheeks and happy thoughts with the idea that I have a video meeting scheduled with the good doctors at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek cancer research center on 26 November at 14.45. I know, it can go either way. They can be totally on board with the current Norwegian treatment plan. Or they could suggest an addition or change in the Norwegian treatment plan. Or, they could actually come up with some revolutionary or maybe less revolutionary but still new treatment they have in Amsterdam. Or something in between. A lot of or-s. A lot of uncertainties. A lot I don´t know. But loads to look forward to. Thanks to a very good friend I have already made a good start with preparing for the meeting: jotting down all my questions and possible concerns. I have confidence in the way forward people!

Depending on the outcome of the Netherlands call, I am contemplating joining forces with the Red Cross volunteer corps here in Lillehammer. They are looking for people to organize the visitor and visiting program for the elderly in the town and surrounding towns. I know I could do it, if treatment allows, I think it would be nice to be out and about and expand my network and hopefully do some good. But first, let´s see what the meeting brings. 

In the meantime, I have started with chemo number gazillion and 3. It follows the same schedule as my last chemo. So Monday 1 and Monday 2 I get the drip providing my blood work is ok and Monday 3 marks the start of the rest week. Tomorrow is Monday 2. Last week I had kind of a rough Tuesday and a crash and burn day on Wednesday so this week it should already be a lot better seen as the body knows what´s coming. And if not, it is just a question of curling up close to the bathroom and a nice calming wood fire and I know from experience it will be better again the day after. 

Mik´s birthday and birthday weekend as a hit! Mik is so happy with all his presents and would love to stop time to not have to go to school tomorrow and to just continue cycling in the bestest cycling outfit he received from Ålesund. Seen as that is not possible, he is still taking his cycling outfit (minus the shorts) for gym class seen as they will be doing loads of outdoor running stuff and "mum this shirt is my best running shirt and those socks so match my shoes". There´s 13 for you. 

So I hope you all are looking as much forward to this new week as I am. (more) Good things are about to happen!

2 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Hey Jo,
good luck this week.
Keep pushing....


Jo Hamperium zei

Promise! Thanks so much for your kind words Alex, x